

Recycled materials

La marche pieds nus
Barefoot walking

By Sylvain Herruel, Vitalist Naturopath, Medical-Psychological Assistant and Sports Educator When we ask people what our feet are used for,...

Le test de Zoé, Pédicure-podologue
Zoé's test, Podiatrist-podiatrist

Zoé Mantey from the blog Chausse toi! tested our khaki Primi high tops. Here is his opinion...   "I am...

L'avis d'une kinésithérapeute
The opinion of a physiotherapist

We interviewed Cécile, physiotherapist in Carpentras, to get her opinion on barefoot shoes. She talks to us about her personal...

Le témoignage d'une réflexologue sur les chaussures barefoot
A reflexologist's testimony on barefoot shoes
Linda Foriscetti, reflexologist in Vedène, in Vaucluse, gives you her opinion on barefoot shoes.
La marche pieds nus
Barefoot walking

By Sylvain Herruel, Vitalist Naturopath, Medical-Psychological Assistant and Sports Educator When we ask people what our feet are used for,...

Le test de Zoé, Pédicure-podologue
Zoé's test, Podiatrist-podiatrist

Zoé Mantey from the blog Chausse toi! tested our khaki Primi high tops. Here is his opinion...   "I am...

L'avis d'une kinésithérapeute
The opinion of a physiotherapist

We interviewed Cécile, physiotherapist in Carpentras, to get her opinion on barefoot shoes. She talks to us about her personal...

Le témoignage d'une réflexologue sur les chaussures barefoot
A reflexologist's testimony on barefoot shoes
Linda Foriscetti, reflexologist in Vedène, in Vaucluse, gives you her opinion on barefoot shoes.