The Télito blog

Des chaussures éco-conçues

Chez Télito, nous avons à cœur de vous proposer une mode plus responsable et plus durable. Pour la confection de nos chaussures, nous utilisons principalement des matières naturelles ou recyclées, avec une teinture naturelle faite main. Mais quel est l’impact de nos créations sur l’environnement ? Dans une optique de transparence et d’amélioration continue de notre marque, nous avons fait appel à un bureau d’étude qui a pu calculer les impacts environnementaux de nos créations. Nous avons remonté le cycle de vie de nos produits : de la matière à la fin de vie en passant par le tissage, la confection, le transport......

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La marche pieds nus

Barefoot walking

By Sylvain Herruel, Vitalist Naturopath, Medical-Psychological Assistant and Sports Educator When we ask people what our feet are used for, the vast majority respond: “To walk”. However, the feet are much more important than the simple act of walking, we will see that together. Foot reflexology The arch of the foot is full of nerve endings (7,200 nerve endings connected directly to the brain) and this is why many disciplines such as foot reflexology or certain massages give it so much importance. Each nerve ending will stimulate an organ and allow good energy circulation in the body. The ground, with...

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Sciences et Avenir Octobre 2023

Sciences and the Future October 2023

Here is an article by Hervé Ratel, published in Sciences et Avenir N°920 in October 2023. This is a researched article, highlighting the impact of shoes on our body. Good reading

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Podcast - Rencontre avec Esperluette

Podcast - Meeting with Ampersand

A few days ago, we were interviewed by Marie-Cécile from the Esperluette Podcast , to tell the story of Télito, our brand of eco-responsible “barefoot” shoes. Marie-Cécile discovered us thanks to our store in Carpentras and it seems that her feet are delighted with this discovery. In this episode, we talk about the beginnings of our store (where we didn't yet make shoes), the creation of the first Primi, our ideas for the future and much more! Esperluette, the podcast listening to the beautiful energies of Vaucluse : We invite you to listen to other episodes of Esperluette on all audio...

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