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Articles on barefoot, interviews, feedback...
La marche pieds nus

Barefoot walking

By Sylvain Herruel, Vitalist Naturopath, Medical-Psychological Assistant and Sports Educator When we ask people what our feet are used for, the vast majority respond: “To walk”. However, the feet are much more important than the simple act of walking, we will see that together. Foot reflexol...
Podcast - Rencontre avec Esperluette

Podcast - Meeting with Ampersand

A few days ago, we were interviewed by Marie-Cécile from the Esperluette Podcast , to tell the story of Télito, our brand of eco-responsible “barefoot” shoes. Marie-Cécile discovered us thanks to our store in Carpentras and it seems that her feet are delighted with this discovery. In this epi...
Le test de Zoé, Pédicure-podologue

Zoé's test, Podiatrist-podiatrist

Zoé Mantey from the blog Chausse toi! tested our khaki Primi high tops. Here is his opinion...   "I am Zoé Mantey, a qualified chiropodist-podiatrist since 2008. Here I share with you my professional experience as well as my advice on shoes and podiatry. I've been writing here for a few year...
Télito a rejoint le réseau d’éthi’Kdo !

Télito has joined the éthi'Kdo network!

An eco-solidarity gift card? Eh yes! Ethi'Kdo is an eco-solidarity gift card that brings together several hundred zero waste, fair trade, Made in France and solidarity reuse brands and brands. The objective: to promote a more sustainable society that respects human beings . The gift card ...
Le point de vue d'Agnès Escudier

Agnès Escudier's point of view

"I am Agnès Escudier, Naturopath, trainer in Plantar Reflexology, I offer psycho-somatics and different massages, among other techniques for the well-being of the human being. Naturopathy comes from the American word Naturo “path”, the path, the way of Nature. Of course in...
L'avis d'une kinésithérapeute

The opinion of a physiotherapist

We interviewed Cécile, physiotherapist in Carpentras, to get her opinion on barefoot shoes. She talks to us about her personal experience, feedback from her patients and the role of the feet in the body. Here are the different points covered in the interview: Presentation of Cécile ...
Il était une fois un projet mère et fille

Once upon a time there was a mother and daughter project

After a year of adventure, we wanted to share with you our beginnings as a creator-manufacturer of barefoot shoes. Receipt of shoes After two years of research, development and testing, we are finally ready to launch production of our first shoes. At the end of April 2021 we finally receive...
La transition: Pilier central dans le passage au barefoot

The transition: Central pillar in the transition to barefoot

The transition: central pillar in the transition to barefoot A smooth transition is necessary from rigid shoes to barefoot (minimalist) shoes. We are convinced that we are all made to be barefoot on a daily basis, however the body needs time to adapt, to move forward little by little, with awa...
Les rendez-vous Télito

Télito meetings

You are ready to organize a friendly moment of sharing, during which you will discover all the new Télito products, contact us !