We interviewed Cécile, physiotherapist in Carpentras, to get her opinion on barefoot shoes. She talks to us about her personal experience, feedback from her patients and the role of the feet in the body.
Here are the different points covered in the interview:
- Presentation of Cécile
- What is the role of the feet in the body?
- Does foot health have an influence on body health?
- How did you get into barefoot shoes?
- When do you wear your minimalist shoes?
- Tell us about the transition from classic shoes to barefoot shoes.
- Do you recommend these shoes to your patients? If yes, to whom?
- Do you wear your minimalists during your nature activities or your leisure activities?
- In your opinion, are there any contraindications to wearing barefoot shoes?
- Do you have any feedback from patients?
- What do you think of the feeling of the ground reliefs?
- What made you want to answer our interview?
Thank you for listening, we hope you enjoyed this format. Other testimonies should follow soon.